Sunday, 27 January 2013

3D Print and Zbrush techniques

So trying to get more into Zbrush I looked around the house and found an ideal little project that I could 3D print.  This has just been sent off to see how it comes back.  Not going to blow the world away with this but it was more than a struggle to get back into Maya than I thought!  Jeez! Rusty but got there eventually.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Zbrush masking and morph targets...

Still going at this puffer fish for a 3d print.  Might make it a bath toy now.  I tired slicing one side off last night and didn't like the results.  Any way here it is after learning more about morph targets to selectively apply your detail and working with masks.

Friday, 11 January 2013

Speed paint and comp

Found some time to work into this one a little.  Just something to tide me over while until I get time to sit back down with that silly puffer fish to print it.  Maybe this weekend... ?  looks at wife!? :)  Not to keen on my composition with this one,  no real focal point but got carried away with trying to find a brush for the corn stubble and mud ruts.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

3D printing here I come.

So I want to try a 3D print of something and needed a model to experiment with.  This is stage 1 of said model and I shall hopefully post my other stages here.  

Something from this kids book idea I had.

Should have carried on with the modelling but couldn't resist messing around with the rendering some more.  Also found the polish tools and material tools.  Right come on get on with it now.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

First for the new year.

First of the new year.  A 1 hour study while Noah was sleeping of an image grabbed from the net.  I'd like to work into it some more the right hand side annoys me and the bushes don't sit with the hill at all.  Maybe tomorrow?... ow wait back to work! 

Any way start as you mean to go on. :)  Mine first then the image from Google.